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Back in the days the pizza was so famous there were line-ups almost every night to get in the Capri Restaurant. They even had a pizza man right in the front window making the pizzas and throwing them up in the air so every one can see.



The original owners were a husband and wife duo, Bruno and Elena.

Back in the days the pizza was so famous there were line-ups almost every night to get in the Capri Restaurant. They even had a pizza man right in the front window making the pizzas and throwing them up in the air so every one can see.

The owner Bruno and a few of his friends decided to renovate the second floor and made it to resemble a cave like the one in the Capri Islands called the La Grotta Azzura, (The Blue Grotto). The ceilings and the walls were transformed into concrete stalactites. There was food, dancing and even a flowing river through the middle of the floor with little fish swimming around.

The Blue Grotto was originally used as part of the restaurant and then later used for small functions like weddings, baptisms and birthday parties. Although the Grotto still exists, it has been closed down for over 20 years and just recently reopened to share its beauty and elegance. November 9 th 2014 was the grand re-opening of La Grotta Blue.

After Bruno and Elena passed away here daughter and son in-law took over, Yolanda and Matteo. They keep it going for about 15 years and then decided to retire in 2004.

In order to keep the tradition alive, the head cook decided to take over the restaurant. Anna Fiorino the head cook at Capri started working in the kitchen in the late 60's. She was just a teenager but she needed the money and really loved to cook. She wanted to use her skills in the kitchen that her mamma back home taught her. Most of the dishes you see today were inspired by her family back home in Calabria, Italy. She is better known as Mamma and her husband Jerry is better known as Pappa.

Anna Fiorino and her family purchased the restaurant in 2004 and have made a few minor renos and upgrades to the restaurant. They only thing that has not changed is the low prices of our food.

The food at Capri is large portions of home cooked meals. You can see and smell how authentic the food is. Most of our vegetables are bought locally and depending on the season, Pappa goes out and picks them by hand. We make our own meat sauce, tomato sauce, meatballs, pizza dough, and sundried tomatoes to start.

Our pizza is so well known that we have to make the dough at least twice a day. We have been putting the little dough ball in the middle of the pizzas every since the beginning. That is the Capri trademark.

Everyone you talk to can remember the Capri in one way or another.

We are thankful for our loyal patrons that come to the Capri every week. Some even come as far as Dundas, Burlington, Mississauga and Watertown.


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